Experian AutoCheck Report

Report run: 12/27/2024 03:45:02 EST
Owners - 2
Number of Owners
Vehicle Usage
AutoCheck Score
Autocheck score dial
AutoCheck Score

Similar vehicles usually range between 61 and 79

Vehicle History at a Glance

State Title Brand

auction brand icon

Auction Brand / Issues


Accident / Damage

recall check icon

Open Recall Check


Insurance Loss / Transfer


Odometer Check

Last reported odometer:
182,743 (11/28/2024)

cpo icon

Certified Pre-Owned

service repair icon

Service / Repair


Additional History

Lien Reported, Inspection Performed


This vehicle is eligible for Buyback Protection

Due to the vehicle’s history showing no reported major state title brands. Terms & Conditions
damage icon Accident & DamageBack To Top
accident-airbag-deployed-off Airbag Deployed
accident-structural-damage-off Structural Damage
accident-overturned-off Overturned
accident-severe-off Unknown
Damage Date Damage Type Severity
03/05/2018 Collision Unknown

Not all accidents and/or damage events are reported to Experian. Inspection by a third party prior to purchase is recommended. See Detailed Vehicle History for more information regarding accident/damage events.

Inspection Check Inspection History CheckBack To Top
Information Reported
Below are inspection(s) that were reported for this vehicle. Please note that not all inspections are reported to Experian AutoCheck.
Inspection Date
Odometer Reading
Data Source
Independent Source
Independent Inspection/Theft Deterrent Equipped

Inspection Date - 09/03/2015

Location - PAWLING, NY

Odometer Reading - 47,540

Data Source - Independent Source

Details - Independent Inspection/Theft Deterrent Equipped

Odometer Dial Odometer CheckBack To Top
Your Vehicle Checks Out
No odometer brands, rollbacks, rollover or tampering has been reported to AutoCheck from state Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or auction sources. AutoCheck also examined the sequence of reported odometer readings to determine if there are any potential discrepancies.
State Title Odometer Check

No issues reported

Auction Odometer Check

No issues reported

Odometer Calculation Check

No issues reported

Detailed Vehicle History Icon Detailed Vehicle History Back To Top
Below are the historical events for this vehicle listed in chronological order.
Vehicle: 2012 Chevrolet Equinox LS (2GNFLCEKXC6349473) Report Run Date: 12/27/2024 03:45:02 EST
Location: NY
Owned From: 09/2012
Usage: Personal
Event Date Location Odometer Data Source Details
09/06/2012 MA Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
09/21/2012 MA 21 Motor Vehicle Dept. Title(Lien Reported)
10/06/2014 KATONAH, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
08/01/2015 PAWLING, NY 47,326 GM Certified Data Vehicle in Dealer Inventory(COLOR REPORTED AS BLACK)
08/06/2015 NY GM Certified Data GM Approved Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle
09/03/2015 PAWLING, NY 47,540 † Independent Source Independent Inspection/Theft Deterrent Equipped
Location: NY
Owned From: 09/2015
Usage: Personal
Event Date Location Odometer Data Source Details
09/30/2015 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
11/16/2015 HOLMES, NY 47,441 Motor Vehicle Dept. Title(Lien Reported)
07/07/2016 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
03/05/2018 WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY State Agency Collision with Another Vehicle(Case #:37209781)
08/02/2018 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
10/30/2019 NY 118,254 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
06/19/2020 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
10/28/2020 NY 133,001 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
11/16/2020 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
10/29/2021 NY 146,638 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
07/17/2022 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
10/28/2022 NY 160,418 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
10/03/2023 NY 173,378 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
06/24/2024 HOLMES, NY Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
10/21/2024 NY 181,568 Motor Vehicle Dept. Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection
11/28/2024 MOUNT KISCO, NY 182,743 Dealer Listing Vehicle Listed for Sale

† This odometer reading was not used in this calculation because the difference was too small or it is in kilometer. When a reading difference is small, it is due to either a data entry error of the date of the odometer or a rounding of the odometer and not likely due to a true rollback.


Location: NY
Owned From: 09/2012
Usage: Personal

Event Date - 09/06/2012

Location - MA

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 09/21/2012

Location - MA

Odometer - 21

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Title(Lien Reported)

Event Date - 10/06/2014

Location - KATONAH, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 08/01/2015

Location - PAWLING, NY

Odometer - 47,326

Data Source - GM Certified Data

Details - Vehicle in Dealer Inventory(COLOR REPORTED AS BLACK)

Event Date - 08/06/2015

Location - NY

Data Source - GM Certified Data

Details - GM Approved Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle

Event Date - 09/03/2015

Location - PAWLING, NY

Odometer - 47,540 †

Data Source - Independent Source

Details - Independent Inspection/Theft Deterrent Equipped


Location: NY
Owned From: 09/2015
Usage: Personal

Event Date - 09/30/2015

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 11/16/2015

Location - HOLMES, NY

Odometer - 47,441

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Title(Lien Reported)

Event Date - 07/07/2016

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 03/05/2018 dvh-timeline-icon-accident-orange.svg


Data Source - State Agency

Details - Collision with Another Vehicle(Case #:37209781)

Event Date - 08/02/2018

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 10/30/2019

Location - NY

Odometer - 118,254

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 06/19/2020

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 10/28/2020

Location - NY

Odometer - 133,001

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 11/16/2020

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 10/29/2021

Location - NY

Odometer - 146,638

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 07/17/2022

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 10/28/2022

Location - NY

Odometer - 160,418

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 10/03/2023

Location - NY

Odometer - 173,378

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 06/24/2024

Location - HOLMES, NY

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 10/21/2024

Location - NY

Odometer - 181,568

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Passed Emission Inspection
Passed Safety Inspection

Event Date - 11/28/2024

Location - MOUNT KISCO, NY

Odometer - 182,743

Data Source - Dealer Listing

Details - Vehicle Listed for Sale

† This odometer reading was not used in this calculation because the difference was too small or it is in kilometer. When a reading difference is small, it is due to either a data entry error of the date of the odometer or a rounding of the odometer and not likely due to a true rollback.

This Vehicle's GlossaryBack To Top

More information is available in the full AutoCheck glossary.

Section Location
State Title Brand
Vehicle History at a Glance
A "branded title" is an official designation assigned by a state agency to associate a particular history with a vehicle. The branding system was put in place to warn potential owners about damage or other alterations to a vehicle that they might otherwise have been unaware of. The brands checked in this section are Fire, Hail, Flood, Junk/Scrapped, Lemon, Salvage, Rebuilt/Rebuildable, Odometer Brands (not actual miles, broken odometer, exceeding mechanical limits, mileage discrepancy, or suspect miles). Please note Grey Market and Insurance Loss or Theft brands are not checked in this box and can be found on other corresponding boxes.
Auction Issue
Vehicle History at a Glance
This section summarizes any issues if reported such as damage condition from seller's disclosure or during the inspection process including required structural damage disclosure, title brands, odometer issues, etc. as outlined by the 2023 National Auto Auction Association Policy.
Accident/Damage Check
Vehicle History at a Glance
This section summarizes vehicle history events that may indicate an accident or damage and associated details such as point of impact, severity or airbag deployed if provided. These damage events will include collision damage information, police-reported accidents, salvage auction, recycler records, crash test vehicles, collision damage claims etc. including our exclusive auction announcements from two major auctions that may include damage events. There is also a clearly delineated section that includes non-collision damage events such as fire, hail or flood. Damage-indicated title brands will be in the state title brands section.
Insurance Loss/Title Transfer
Vehicle History at a Glance
This box checked to see if there is an insurance total loss or if a title has been transferred to an insurance company name as that event usually signifies that it is a total loss when showing after an accident.
Additional History
Vehicle History at a Glance
This section lists any other significant events that may not be a damage event or brand, but does give additional insights of the vehicle's history. These include abandoned, grey market, lien check, repossessed, theft etc.
Odometer Check
Vehicle History at a Glance
This section verifies if there are rollbacks, rollover or tampering has been reported to AutoCheck from state Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or auction sources. AutoCheck also examined the sequence of reported odometer readings to determine if there are any potential discrepancies.
Vehicle History at a Glance
The vehicle has been certified by the manufacturer after passing a detailed, multi-point inspection and fitting certification standards.
Additional History
A loan/lien is the legal right to take and hold or sell the vehicle of a debtor as security or payment for a debt. Normally, a vehicle will have a lien due to a loan or unpaid repair bill against the vehicle. Check with the seller to ensure that the lien has been satisfied.
Personal Use
Owner Type
This vehicle was driven for personal use.
Accident / Damage
A state or municipality has reported an accident or collision for this vehicle that may or may not have sustained damage. Not all damage events are reported to AutoCheck and the damage severity of reported events will vary. In all events AutoCheck recommends that prospective vehicle purchasers conduct a detailed vehicle inspection prior to purchase of a pre-owned vehicle.

Term - State Title Brand

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - A "branded title" is an official designation assigned by a state agency to associate a particular history with a vehicle. The branding system was put in place to warn potential owners about damage or other alterations to a vehicle that they might otherwise have been unaware of. The brands checked in this section are Fire, Hail, Flood, Junk/Scrapped, Lemon, Salvage, Rebuilt/Rebuildable, Odometer Brands (not actual miles, broken odometer, exceeding mechanical limits, mileage discrepancy, or suspect miles). Please note Grey Market and Insurance Loss or Theft brands are not checked in this box and can be found on other corresponding boxes.

Term - Auction Issue

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - This section summarizes any issues if reported such as damage condition from seller's disclosure or during the inspection process including required structural damage disclosure, title brands, odometer issues, etc. as outlined by the 2023 National Auto Auction Association Policy.

Term - Accident/Damage Check

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - This section summarizes vehicle history events that may indicate an accident or damage and associated details such as point of impact, severity or airbag deployed if provided. These damage events will include collision damage information, police-reported accidents, salvage auction, recycler records, crash test vehicles, collision damage claims etc. including our exclusive auction announcements from two major auctions that may include damage events. There is also a clearly delineated section that includes non-collision damage events such as fire, hail or flood. Damage-indicated title brands will be in the state title brands section.

Term - Insurance Loss/Title Transfer

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - This box checked to see if there is an insurance total loss or if a title has been transferred to an insurance company name as that event usually signifies that it is a total loss when showing after an accident.

Term - Additional History

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - This section lists any other significant events that may not be a damage event or brand, but does give additional insights of the vehicle's history. These include abandoned, grey market, lien check, repossessed, theft etc.

Term - Odometer Check

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - This section verifies if there are rollbacks, rollover or tampering has been reported to AutoCheck from state Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or auction sources. AutoCheck also examined the sequence of reported odometer readings to determine if there are any potential discrepancies.

Term - CPO

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - The vehicle has been certified by the manufacturer after passing a detailed, multi-point inspection and fitting certification standards.

Term - Loan/Lien

Section Location - Additional History

Definition - A loan/lien is the legal right to take and hold or sell the vehicle of a debtor as security or payment for a debt. Normally, a vehicle will have a lien due to a loan or unpaid repair bill against the vehicle. Check with the seller to ensure that the lien has been satisfied.

Term - Personal Use

Section Location - Owner Type

Definition - This vehicle was driven for personal use.

Term - Accident

Section Location - Accident / Damage

Definition - A state or municipality has reported an accident or collision for this vehicle that may or may not have sustained damage. Not all damage events are reported to AutoCheck and the damage severity of reported events will vary. In all events AutoCheck recommends that prospective vehicle purchasers conduct a detailed vehicle inspection prior to purchase of a pre-owned vehicle.

AutoCheck Terms and Conditions
This report, and any reliance upon it, is subject to AutoCheck Terms and Conditions. If you obtained the report from a lender/dealer, the lender/dealer has been provided with these Terms and Conditions and can share them with you. These AutoCheck Terms and Conditions are also available at any time at www.autocheck.com/terms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheck Customer Service 1515 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 500, Schaumburg, IL 60173.

Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions
This vehicle (2GNFLCEKXC6349473) qualifies for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. If you obtained the report from a dealer, the dealer has been provided with the terms and can share them with you. These Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions are also available to you at any time at www.autocheck.com/bbpterms or by writing to Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheckCustomer Service 1515 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 500, Schaumburg, IL 60173.

About AutoCheck
AutoCheck vehicle history reports by Experian Automotive is the leading vehicle history reporting service. With expert data handling, the Experian Automotive database houses over 4 billion records on a half a billion vehicles. Every AutoCheck vehicle history report will give you confidence when buying or selling your next used vehicle, with superior customer service every step of the way.

Patent Notice
Certain aspects of this vehicle history report may be covered by U.S. Patent 8,005,759.